
Cuba, South Africa discuss extending bilateral cooperation

HAVANA, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- Representatives of Cuba and South Africa began a meeting Tuesday to discuss new cooperation in the fields of energy, mining and social work.
Cuban Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Minister Marta Lomas and South Africa's Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma attended the meeting.
Lomas and Zuma said it is necessary to boost bilateral cooperation and they hailed the advances in ties following the last session of the Cuba-South Africa Inter-governmental Mixed Commission in November 2007.
Lomas said Cuba is willing to promote economic ties with South Africa to match their political and diplomatic ties.
On Monday, Zuma paid an official visit to Cuba and met with her Cuban counterpart Felipe Perez Roque.
Zuma's visit will contribute to deepening the excellent friendship and cooperation, which have already existed between both peoples and countries, local media said.

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